Sunday, 26 June 2011

Plane food is plain, but not always the same

The food on Thai Airways tends to be quite satisfactory, aside from the one time during my vegetarian phase where I received urinal cake of unidentifiable matter fused in a gelatinous emulsion. Today was a pretty standard experience, if not, slightly sub-par. In the Royal Silk Lounge, the usual library-esque atmosphere was interrupted by an irate traveller demanding an answer to why there were no shower facilities available. If there isn't a shower, there isn't much the reception staff can do about it. But FOOD! I was hoping to tuck into some moist and tender Hainanese Chicken Rice, but instead was presented with a TV dinner.

Dried out white rice, Nonya chicken stew, vegetables and stir-fried Lo Shi Fun (mouse tail noodles). The chicken stew had cubes of dry overcooked breast meat and the gravy had a thin texture and even thinner flavour. S&P does better frozen meals. The noodles were decent, salty but with a fuller savoury backbone, and had a satisfying wiggly bite.

I've been on plane rides as long as I can remember. Perhaps it is this long established relationship that provides immunity to what so many consider inedible trays of cardboard and plastic. I have not had many problems with airplane food. No, I haven't been spoiled on solely first-class high-flying food services. Singapore, Thai, Cathay, Eva and JAL have all served up decent, if not good or very good, economy food regardless of being reheated ten thousand metres up in the air. Sure I've had some bad cabin service but I've had bad restaurant service and I don't say restaurant food is disgusting and intolerable.

Chicken and noodles with veggies. It wasn't bad. Noodles a little soft, yes, but the chicken was tender and tasty. The green peppers on the side were packed with juice and they had that delicate fresh snap when you bit into them. The cherry tomatoes were plump and juicy too. The baked crumble thing was a little too starchy and the flavour of flour was a bit overpowering. I made a sad face :( The upper crust of the dessert looked like a perfectly cooked crumble. Nothing disappoints me more than food that looks that much better than it tastes. Like push-up bras and porcelain veneers. LIES! But noodles are usually a safe bet when you're a mile high (in altitude, not dream space... although carbs are always satisfying for the munchies... I imagine... but anyway).

1 comment:

  1. Airplane food! Yay! I think the only country where airplane food is absolutely disgusting in economy is America. They charge you for it, it's low quality, and it tastes bad. Your meal service pics look divine. I want chicken rice (T___T) I haven't seen it here (though in all fairness I haven't been looking that closely for it). That was nice in that hotel mitai na tokoro.
